Category Archives: Genitalia

Sex Change Surgery in Kanpur

Sex Change Surgery

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.

Vaginoplasty in Kanpur


Vaginoplasty in Kanpur is a surgical procedure to reconstruct the vulvo-vaginal anatomy. It aims to help women who have suffered some type of vaginal alteration, caused by very traumatic vaginal births, such as a very long delivery time or a larger-than-normal newborn. It can also be caused by muscle weakening due to age.

This vaginal enlargement or looseness is a natural and quite recurrent phenomenon. The region of perineal weakness corresponds to a small diamond-shaped area formed by muscles (sphincters) and skin and covering from the underside of the vulva to the anus.

They are usually women who suffer from some degree of urinary incontinence or involuntary leakage of urine when coughing, sneezing, laughing, exercising, during sexual intercourse, that is, situations in which there is an increase in the internal pressure of the abdomen.

Some women just want to improve the appearance of their external genitalia. regain your self-esteem and increase the sensation of vaginal “tightness” during intercourse.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Vaginoplasty in Kanpur?

It is the surgery that corrects the relaxation of the vaginal muscles caused by age and post-pregnancy.

What is the indication for Vaginoplasty?

They are usually women with a history of vaginal delivery, with or without complaints of leakage of urine on exertion, sensation of vaginal enlargement, elimination of vaginal flatus (air) during sexual intercourse, loss or decrease in sexual pleasure (lack of contact and friction during penetration).

Which exam is essential in addition to the usual pre-surgical exams?

The plastic surgeon in Kanpur usually request a Urodynamics Study, an exam capable of evaluating the degree of urinary incontinence. The interpretation of the exam by the team’s Gynecologist will guide the best type of treatment (clinical-physiotherapeutic, surgical or both).

What should be the preoperative preparation for performing Vaginoplasty in Kanpur?

It is recommended to perform physical therapy exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles, according to medical advice. Two days before surgery, use a low-fiber, low-residue diet. The day before surgery, use of laxatives for bowel emptying. The day before and the day of surgery, intimate cleaning with antiseptic soaps. Perineal shaving should be performed a week before or immediately before the start of surgery (inside the operating room), never the day before.

Which anesthesia is most used?

Local, epidural or spinal, all with sedation.

How long does the surgery take?

Vaginoplasty lasts an average of 60 to 90 minutes.

How is the surgery performed?

Through a longitudinal incision in the vaginal introitus, the posterior mucosa of the vaginal wall is detached, exposing the PFM (Musculature of the Pelvic Floor) and the perineal sphincter. The approximation of these muscles is performed, removing the excess of the mucosa and the perineal skin, with simple and VY closure.

Where will my future scar be? Will it be visible?

Part of it will be located on the posterior wall of the vagina (inner) and part of it in the perineal region (outer).

What are the care in the late postoperative period?

Use cold compresses, use external vaginal pad, wash with Dermacid, apply specific vaginal creams, wear looser underwear, avoid physical exercises for 30 days, avoid sexual intercourse for six weeks, among others.

What intercurrences are possible?

Complications are rare but can occur in the immediate period: excessive bleeding, excessive swelling and infection within the first 72 hours of the procedure. Other rare late complications are stricture or excessive narrowing of the vagina.

Is Vaginoplasty in Kanpur very painful?

Yes, the surgery is very uncomfortable in the first few days, but very strong analgesic drugs are prescribed, in addition to anti-inflammatory suppositories in the postoperative period.

What can I expect from the results of the surgery?

You can expect a tighter vagina, better achieving and increasing sexual pleasure. Also, some benefit in controlling urine loss on exertion.

What do I need to do after the surgery?

After a month of surgery, you should perform PFM strengthening physical therapy exercises.

When can I have sex?

After six weeks (40 days more or less) of surgery.

Hymenoplasty in Kanpur


The reconstruction of the hymen, called hymenoplasty, is a surgery to repair this structure. The procedure of hymenoplasty in Kanpur consists of joining the parts that, despite having broken, remain in the vaginal canal.

This type of surgery emerged in France, but quickly gained space in other European countries and also in the United States. In India, its application is recent, but it has grown every day.

What is the hymen?

The hymen is a dermal film located at the entrance to the vagina. It exists, anatomically, to protect women from the risks of genital infection. In childhood, it is a thicker and more resistant membrane. As age advances and the girl approaches puberty, she becomes thinner and less resistant. The hymen is strongest in the early years of life because the child does not yet produce enough hormones to protect the body from infection. Generally speaking, it is completely broken when a woman has sexual intercourse for the first time. In some cases, it takes more than one relationship for it to break completely.

How is the hymen reconstructed?

Hymenoplasty in Kanpur is a relatively simple and quick operation. It is performed in the hospital, using modern microsurgical techniques, such as delicate sutures and biological glue. The procedure lasts from 30 to 60 minutes. Hospital discharge happens in a short time, as soon as the effects of local anesthesia with sedation wear off. Recovery usually occurs without complications. Thus, the woman who undergoes the procedure can return to sexual practice about two weeks after the surgical intervention.

What is it for?

As the name implies, this type of operation serves to rebuild the hymen, whatever the motivation. As the hymen is usually broken as soon as sexual life begins, many women seek hymenoplasty in Kanpur to regain their virginity.

Who is it for?

There are women who resort to surgery for the desire to spice up their sex life, for fetish, to celebrate a special milestone in the relationship, whether in second marriages, as well as wedding anniversaries among other reasons. There is also the issue of victims of sexual abuse. In this case, specifically, surgery can promote a kind of emotional repair, in addition to minimizing physical damage, so that the woman can move on despite the traumatic episode. Regardless of what the reason for hymenoplasty in Kanpur is, this surgery is preferably indicated for women up to 35 years of age, who have not had more than two natural childbirths.


In the preoperative consultation, the patient’s case is evaluated, as well as the reason that leads to the need for the procedure and the desire to perform the hymenoplasty in Kanpur. Therefore, it is essential to know the patient’s history of medication use, possible allergies, health problems, smoking, etc. This will define the need for preoperative exams.


The procedure can be performed with extreme discretion in the clinic itself, with topical anesthesia (no needle) or local anesthesia, and patient release soon after the procedure. The sutures are internal and threads that are absorbable by the body are used, and do not need to be removed later by the surgeon. It can be performed as part of a bioplasty or labiaplasty.


The postoperative period is very smooth and painless. The patient returns to her normal activities the next day and to physical activities after seven days. Postoperative care is basic hygiene and after thirty days the patient is released for sexual activities.

The recovery from a hymenoplasty is very fast and patients can have sex again 15 days after the surgery. It is a surgery that was born in France and has been highly requested by millions of women across the world.

Labiaplasty in Kanpur


Labiaplasty is an intimate surgery that aims to reduce the size of the labia minora. Surgery is performed mainly in cases of aesthetic discomfort, difficulty in maintaining hygiene or even pain during sexual intercourse. Intimate surgery, when indicated, can also change the size and shape of the labia majora.

Above all, a very important recommendation for those who want to undergo labiaplasty is to look for a trusted doctor and preferably, a professional who is an expert in the area. In addition to doing all the necessary tests to check that everything is ok with your health, you need to certify that the operation will not pose any risk.

How is labiaplasty performed?

The procedure can be done using a scalpel or laser. It is a minor surgery, with local anesthesia with sedation or epidural, in which the patient is discharged on the same day and can return to work two days later.

Usually, this surgery is sought to decrease the size of the labia minora which is projected out of the labia majora. But, there are also cases in which a woman is uncomfortable with the appearance of the labia majora, when she considers that there is excess skin or sagging. Therefore, in this case, the surgeon can make a graft using the patient’s own fat in the region, which causes the previously flaccid skin to stretch. There is also the possibility of surgically removing excess skin.


Labiaplasty offers several benefits to patients:

  • Improved self-esteem and self-confidence;
  • Eliminates pain during sexual intercourse, caused by the size of the labia minora;
  • Improves hygiene, especially during the menstrual period;
  • There is less risk of infection as it has decreased the accumulation of secretion.

Frequently asked questions

  • Why do changes occur in women’s private parts?
    Reasons that can cause changes are: • Age; • Menopause; • Sudden weight changes with accumulation and loss of fat in the intimate region; • Pregnancy; • Genetics.
  • Can any woman do?
    The answer is yes! Any woman who is uncomfortable with the size of her labia minora can seek expert advice to correct the imperfections. However, it is worth mentioning that the patient must be in good health to undergo the procedure.
  • How much skin is removed?
    The doctor decides the amount to be withdrawn. It is important to say that it cannot be reduced too much, because the labia minora play an important role in protecting the entrance to the vagina. Decreasing too much can leave the area very vulnerable to bacteria and cause infections to develop. Excessive withdrawal can result in the change of lubrication in the region.
  • How is the scar?
    Each patient reacts differently in the healing process. But usually the labiaplasty scar is very discreet.
  • Is the postoperative period painful?
    No, on the contrary, he is very calm and practically painless. What remains is just a slight swelling in the region.


Intimate plastic surgery does not have precise contraindications, however, as with any surgery, it requires care. People with chronic illnesses, diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart failure should avoid certain surgical procedures.

When dealing with patients with active infection at the site or discharge, treatment should be done before performing surgery. As for smokers, there is a special recommendation. Abstinence for two or three months before surgery. Women with hypertension, diabetes, or asthma should be evaluated by their doctors about the risks of having the surgery.

After treatment

Some precautions are important for a good recovery:

  • Make compresses with ice on the spot, several times a day, especially in the first two days;
  • The use of daily protectors is also recommended in the first week;
  • Clean the area with mild soap;
  • Do not wear tight clothing and tight jeans for approximately 30 days;
  • Sexual intercourse is only allowed one month after the surgery;
  • Physical activities are allowed after 15 days of the procedure;
  • Sea and pool should be avoided for the first 20 days.