Category Archives: Face

Ear Reconstruction in Kanpur

Ear Reconstruction

Ear Reconstruction is a surgery aimed at reconstructing the hearing organ that has suffered trauma with partial or total tissue loss.



The ear is a part of the body that presents very complex anatomical characteristics. This factor is due to the elevations and depressions that give their natural shape.

The main superficial components of the organ are: the helix (external and greater curvature), antihelix (internal elevation that divides into superior and inferior crus), scapha (which is the fossa between the helix and the antihelix).

Indications for ear reconstruction surgery

Surgeries in the auricular region (ear) are performed by plastic surgeons for two reasons: aesthetic and restorative. In the aesthetic area, Otoplasty is intended for the correction of aesthetic defects such as, for example, protruding ears or malformations of the pavilion of the ear. In the restorative area, the operation to reconstruct the ear has a number of possible indications. An intervention may be necessary in case of congenital defects, that is, that arise during the formation of the organ or when an initially normal ear suffers some trauma. In the last scenario, the aim is to correct the deformity and restore the original appearance of the region.

The ears are places that are often traumatized. For example, wearing earrings that are not proportionate or with excessive traction can tear the ear leading to a bifid lobe or ear tear.

Falls, fights, and burns are other examples of trauma. Practice and competition in MMA-type contact sports ( mixed martial arts or mixed martial arts) often injure the ears as well. These and other traumas with complete avulsion (violent extraction) or partial loss of the ear may occur, requiring Ear Reconstruction plastic surgery.

Other problems that occur in the ears, especially in the elderly, are benign and malignant tumors of the skin. In these cases, it is necessary to resect the tumors and eventually perform flaps for Ear Reconstruction. The pieces with the tumors are sent for anatomopathological study.

In general, recent techniques of complete reconstruction involve, on average, two interventions programmed according to the demand of the frame. An interval of at least six months is recommended between the first and second phases of the process. The operation is performed in a hospital, and requires general or local anesthesia with sedation.

When the objective is only to restore the lower third of the ear – the lobe –, the treatment is usually carried out in the clinic itself, with local anesthesia.

Pre- and post-operative care

Before undergoing the more invasive approach, the patient will undergo a battery of physical and laboratory tests to assess their health status. If tests indicate any changes, it is possible that the ear procedure will be postponed to ensure the safety of the individual.

The postoperative period is not usually very painful, however, some people may feel discomfort in the chest, if this site is used to donate the cartilage used in the reconstruction. However, any pain is easily resolved with the administration of oral analgesics and anti-inflammatories prescribed by the doctor. The need to use stronger analgesics is rare.

In the ear, nylon threads are used for suturing. The stitches on the chest are performed with absorbable threads, eliminating the need for removal. Routine activities resume after 14 days, and sports practice is allowed after one month.

The good end result of ear reconstruction surgery is related to a number of variables. In addition to a correct execution of the intervention, postoperative care is essential for a satisfactory effect.

As a rule, those born with ear malformations tend to have a better response, as the virgin skin of surgery is of superior quality. From the fourth month of the 2nd phase, the ear reaches the definitive result, and certain touches can be made to soften scars and adjust contours.

Chin Augmentation in Kanpur

Chin Augmentation

Chin Augmentation or Mentoplasty is the surgery that aims to increase, reduce or remodel the chin, aiming to improve facial harmony. This procedure is usually performed after complete facial growth, which usually occurs after 16 – 18 years of age in adolescents. Ment surgery is commonly associated with rhinoplasty, providing a more harmonious balance of the face and more satisfactory results.

Who can undergo a chin augmentation

Those who would like to change the look of their weak-looking chin can benefit from chin augmentation. Likewise, it occurs otherwise only with women who are unhappy with the chin for being too prominent or manly appearance. In this case, chin reduction can be the solution to achieve a more feminine appearance.

Types of chin augmentation

The type of chin augmentation surgery performed depends on the material used for the implant and the need for bone manipulation for the procedure. Depending on these concepts, the patient may need either chin augmentation thanks to the placement of an implant or bone reduction surgery.

Chin reduction surgery is a procedure that reforms the bone contour of the chin area, which changes the height and width of the bone to improve the patient’s facial profile and to achieve a balance of the facial structure. The surgeon performs this surgery by lowering the bone with an osteotomy (cutting the bone) with the help of a special machine (jigsaw). You need to take a facial X-ray of the patient before surgery to assess his facial bone structure. This x-ray provides the information needed for the surgeon to determine how much bone needs to be removed.

The surgery

Chin augmentation can be performed using different techniques, according to the patient’s need and desire.

For chin augmentation, it is possible to perform with a hyaluronic acid filling or fat graft (chin fat grafting), with the use of implants (prostheses) of silicone or porous polyethylene (Porex or Medpor), or with bone advancement.

In chin augmentation by bone advancement or placement of implants, it is common to make an incision in the inner part of the lower lip to perform the detachment and access to the chin region. In bone advancement, a small fracture of the chin bone is performed and this portion is fixed with titanium plates in the new position, while with the use of implants, these are placed and fixed in the detached chin region.

The increase made by fat grafting or the use of hyaluronic acid does not require cuts, only small holes for the introduction of the microcannula.

In reduction mentoplasty, it is more common to make an incision in the lower part of the chin, which is hidden in the transition from the chin to the neck, becoming practically imperceptible after a while. After accessing the chin, it is possible to perform bone grinding or soft tissue resection, so that reduction occurs.

The postoperative

Chin plastic surgery is considered a procedure whose postoperative period is practically painless and has a quick recovery.

In the first few days after surgery, there may be some swelling, bruises (purples) and discomfort in the chin and neck region. A diet with cold, liquid and pasty foods is advised for the first 3 days, progressing over the next few days. After 1 week it is already possible to resume the work or study routine, but physical activities must wait at least 3 weeks.

Patients are instructed to apply cold compresses to the chin and neck region, sleep on their back and use the elastic chin strap for at least 15 days, in addition to avoiding direct exposure to the sun for 30 days.

The stitches do not need to be removed, as they are performed with absorbable threads, being degraded by the body itself. The final result is obtained between 3 to 6 months after the surgery.

The risks

The general risks of all surgeries vary according to the specific characteristics of each patient, such as age, comorbidities (health problems), weight, smoking, medication use, genetic factors, among others. Therefore, they are explained in face-to-face consultation, due to the individual conditions of each one.

In chin augmentation, the most important, but low, complications and specific surgical risks are: infection, bleeding, hematoma, poor healing, asymmetry and change in sensitivity, usually transient.

Dimpleplasty in Kanpur

Cheek Dimples Creation

You know that little hole people have in the middle of their cheek when they smile and it’s synonymous with charm? The natural dimple pleases both men and women, but those who were born without it can now get one thanks to advances in aesthetic medicine. Called Dimpleplasty.

The dimples formed on the cheek when smiling are considered an extra charm by many peopleDespite being nice, these small cavities are a genetic anomaly of the muscle responsible for shaping the face.

But what is dimpleplasty?

Dimpleplasty is a definitive plastic surgery to obtain dimples that is becoming a trend among millennials – that is, people born between the 80’s and the end of the 20th century (Generation Y).

Despite being a simple and quick intervention, it is necessary to think carefully before undergoing the procedure and take great care to select a good professional to ensure a successful result.

After all, unlike the natural dimples that appear with a smile, those that result from surgery are visible all the time, which can give an exaggerated or artificial impression to the face.

How is dimpleplasty performed?

According to experts, the procedure is performed under local anesthesia and involves an incision in the inner part of the mouth, close to the cheek, and the removal of a portion of local fat – allowing the surgeon to fix the skin directly to the muscle, the which gives rise to the famous little holes.

It is possible to perform surgery to create dimples in the chin as well. In this case, the skin is attached to the bone.

The procedures take around 40 minutes – a maximum of one hour – and the patient is released on the same day. However, since the surgery can cause bruising and swelling during the postoperative period, the result can take up to two months to appear completely depending on how the body reacts in the recovery period.

How is the recovery/post-op?

Even though it is a very simple surgery, rest is recommended for 24 hours after the procedure. In addition, the patient must stop smoking or drinking alcohol within 15 days.

Doctors also recommend that the person avoid sun exposure and try to chew slowly to avoid sudden movements or trauma to the operated area.

Oral hygiene should be even more prioritized during this period, as well as the use of alcohol-free mouthwash after meals to prevent infections and bleeding.

There is a very low rate of complications such as infection, reaction to the stitch, and bruising. Swelling for a short period is common and the result will only be fully noticeable in a month or two. Unlike natural dimples, which appear only when people smile, acquired dimples are permanent.

What are the risks of dimpleplasty?

Surgery is contraindicated for:

  • pregnant women
  • lactating women
  • People with serious diseases in the oral cavity, such as infections.
  • Patients who use anticoagulants or who have healing problems

In the case of hypertensive, diabetic or coronary disease patients, the procedure will depend on medical clearance.

And, as with any surgery, when it is performed incorrectly, or by an inexperienced professional, there is a risk of causing damage to the lips and salivary glands, in addition to being able to cause injuries leaving the face asymmetrical.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that it is important to have a good conversation with the surgeon before opting for dimpleplasty, as the doctor can make a complete evaluation and indicate other types of aesthetic procedures that may be more effective for improving facial aesthetics, such as face lift or bichectomy.

Birthmark Removal in Kanpur

Birth Mark Removal

Birthmarks are a common type of discoloration that appears on your skin at birth or during the first few weeks of life. They are usually not cancerous. They can occur anywhere on your face or body. Birthmarks vary in color, size, appearance, and shape. Some are permanent and may increase over time. Others disappear completely. Most birthmarks are harmless, but some indicate an underlying medical condition. In some cases, birthmarks can be removed for cosmetic reasons by birthmark removal in Kanpur.

Types of birthmarks

Many birthmarks fall into one of two categories, each with a different cause:

Vascular birthmarks occur if blood vessels in a certain area of ​​the skin do not form as they should. For example, there may be too many blood vessels clustered in one area, or the blood vessels may be wider than they should be.

Pigmented birthmarks occur when there is an overabundance of pigment cells in an area. Pigment cells are what give your skin its natural color.

Birthmark Removal in Kanpur

Most birthmarks are harmless and do not require removal. Some birthmarks can cause discomfort due to their appearance. Other types of birthmarks, such as hemangiomas or moles, can lead to an increased risk of certain medical conditions, such as skin cancer. These birthmarks should be monitored by a dermatologist and may also require birthmark removal in Kanpur.

Techniques for birthmark removal in Kanpur include:

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy can significantly remove or lighten port wine stains, making them less visible. This type of treatment is performed by a dermatologist or plastic surgeon in Kanpur. It uses highly concentrated pulsating beams of light that can be modulated for power.

Laser therapy may be most successful when it is started in childhood, but it can also be used in older children and adults. You will usually need several treatments. Laser treatments can be uncomfortable and may require a local anesthetic. They usually produce permanent results. Temporary swelling or bruising may occur.

Beta blockers

Beta blockers are oral medications used to treat high blood pressure. Propranolol is a type of beta blocker that can also be used to reduce the size or appearance of hemangiomas. It works by shrinking blood vessels and reducing blood flow. This causes the hemangioma to soften, fade, and shrink. Another beta-blocker, timolol, can be applied topically and can have similar results.


Corticosteroids are anti-inflammatory medications that can be taken by mouth or injected directly into birthmarks. They work directly on the blood vessels helping to decrease the size of the birthmark.


Some birthmarks can be successfully treated through surgical removal. These include very deep hemangiomas that can damage the healthy tissue that surrounds them. Some large moles can also be removed.

Birthmark removal in Kanpur is typically done on an outpatient basis and may even be done in a dermatologist’s office rather than in a hospital. A doctor uses a small scalpel to remove the birthmark after administering local anesthesia. If the birthmark is large, it may be removed in sections over the course of several appointments.

Tissue expansion is another surgical technique that is sometimes used to reduce the scars left by the surgical removal of birthmarks. Requires insertion of a balloon under healthy skin located next to the birthmark. This causes new, healthy skin to grow like a kind of flap. This flap is used to cover the area where the birthmark was previously. The balloon is then removed.

Tips for Monitoring Birthmarks

Most types of birthmarks are harmless and go away on their own. You should refer any birthmarks your baby or child has to your pediatrician. They can help you monitor the birthmark for growth. They can also determine whether the birthmark is associated with a genetic condition that requires treatment.

Monitoring your child’s birthmark is important and should be done by you and a doctor. Look for changes such as an increase in size, elevation, or darkening of pigmentation. If you notice rapid growth in a birthmark, tell your child’s doctor.

Eyelid Surgery in Kanpur


Eyelid Surgery in Kanpur or Blepharoplasty is a surgery that removes excess fat (“bags”) and wrinkled and drooping skin from the upper or lower eyelid. Sometimes it can even interfere with vision.
Helps eliminate tired or aged appearance.

Candidates for Eyelid Surgery in Kanpur – Blepharoplasty

Most candidates for eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty in Kanpur are 35 years of age or older, however if drooping eyelids run in your family, you may be able to undergo eyelid surgery at a younger age.

A combination of one or more of the following conditions may indicate that you are a good candidate for surgery:

  • Excess skin on the upper eyelid, sometimes impairing vision
  • Appearance of tired eyes
  • Excess skin and fine wrinkles of the p. lower
  • Bags and dark circles (“dark circles”) under the eyes
  • Lower eyelid drooping, showing white below the iris

Eyelid surgery in Kanpur (blepharoplasty) can usually correct these problems.

But sometimes other treatments are needed. For example, if the upper eyelid problem is accompanied by drooping eyebrows, then a brow lift with botulinum toxin may be necessary.

Erasing crow’s feet wrinkles may require chemical peeling, dermabrasion, or laser.

The “dark circles” under eyes tired by dark pigmentation can be treated with a whitening solution or a chemical peel or through techniques of redistribution of eye fat.

Surgery planning

The initial consultation with Dr. Amit Verma is very important. He needs to know his complete medical history, including previous surgeries, other medical problems, and the medication he is taking. Smoking, high blood pressure, thyroid problems or diabetes are among the medical conditions that can increase the risk associated with eyelid surgery.

You should provide any relevant information from your ophthalmologist, such as if you have eye allergies, if you wear contact lenses (bring them with you) if you suffer from so-called “dry eye” or any other problem with your eyes.

You should talk about your goals and expectations. The plastic surgeon in Kanpur will ask you to look in a mirror and say exactly what you want to improve. He should discuss whether it is necessary to treat all 4 eyelids or just the upper or lower eyelids, and whether other procedures are indicated.

The particular technique recommended for you depends on several factors such as the amount of excess fat and skin on your eyelids, the position of your eyebrows and the condition of your eyelid muscles. In general, this surgery can be performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis.

Be sure to ask any questions you have doubts about, especially those that have to do with your expectations.

Preparation for Eyelid Surgery in Kanpur

The Dr. Amit Verma will give you specific instructions on how to prepare for the surgery. If you smoke, you should preferably stop before surgery. Aspirin and certain anti-inflammatories should be avoided before surgery because they can increase bleeding.

Following these instructions will help your surgery to be carried out more efficiently and without obstacles.

Where is the surgery performed?

It can be performed at a Clinic (without hospitalization) or in a hospital.

Eyelid surgery in Kanpur usually does not require hospitalization. Therefore, preferably have someone take you home after the surgery and stay with you for at least the first night after the surgery.

Type of Anesthesia

Eyelid surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia which infiltrates the area around the eyes, associated with oral sedatives. You are awake during the surgery but will be relaxed and insensitive to pain. For your safety during the operation several monitors are used to assess your heart, blood pressure, pulse, and blood oxygen.

The surgery

The aim of Dr. Amit Verma and his staff is to make your surgical experience as easy and comfortable as possible.

The surgery usually takes 1 hour. If you operate on all 4 eyelids, you probably start with the upper ones and then the lower ones.

After surgery

You can stay at the Clinic for a few hours with “cold glasses”. You will feel some discomfort in your eyes when the effect of the local anesthetic wears off, but there will be no severe pain.

After the procedure you may have bruising and swelling around the eyes, this is normal. And it will be gone in about 10 days.

Other side effects such as swelling, dry eyes, itchy or burning eyes, watery eyes and sensitivity to light may occur within the first week.

Post Procedure

After five to seven days, return to the Regency Hospital to have the stitches removed. You can work the day after surgery, but most people are usually away from work for about two weeks for social reasons.

You should not drive a car for the first 24 hours after blepharoplasty in Kanpur and you may have some difficulty reading in the first few days after surgery, but these problems disappear quickly.

Final result

Although the final result can only be evaluated after six months, you will see an improvement when we remove the stitches. Scars usually become very discreet.

Common Questions

What are the goals of blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery in Kanpur?

Eyelid surgery in Kanpur removes the appearance of permanent fatigue and gives you a more youthful appearance. It can sometimes improve vision by removing excess skin from the upper eyelids that droops and interferes with peripheral vision.

With eyelid surgery, do the wrinkles around the eyes (“crow’s feet”), the fall of the eyebrows and the “dark circles” disappear?

Eyelid surgery does not eliminate wrinkles around the eyes (“crow’s feet”), nor does it lift the fall of the eyebrows. Other techniques are indicated to correct these problems.

The “dark circles” may improve a little if they are related to large bags, but the dark color of the eyelid is not guaranteed to disappear. Currently with fat redistribution techniques or even fat injection it is possible to greatly improve the “dark circles”

Buccal Fat Removal in Kanpur

Buccal Fat Removal

Cheek reduction (bichectomy) is a relatively simple procedure. Buccal fat pad is a structure composed of fat

Some people are uncomfortable with the size of their cheeks. The Buccal fat or buccal adipose body is a structure composed of fat, located on the face, in the region of the cheeks. When increased, this fat can change the shape of the face, making it more rounded, which can give the impression that the person is overweight or has a childish appearance. In some cases, this can affect self-esteem and confidence.

Surgery to remove excess Buccal fat is called bichectomy and promotes reduction of the cheeks. This surgery has become popular in Brazil recently, however, it was already known abroad since the 80’s. Famous people, like some Hollywood actors, are fans of this type of surgery and contributed to its spread.

Bichectomy is a relatively simple procedure, but the removal of fat requires care because it is a delicate area, between nerves and salivary channels. Through incisions measuring 1.0 to 2.0 cm, on the inside of each cheek, the fat is pulled and extracted. The amount of fat removed varies according to each case.

Only a plastic surgeon can indicate this type of procedure. Often the cause of a wider face can be due to hypertrophy of the masseter muscle (chewing muscle), treated with botulinum toxin application, or the accumulation of fat below the chin (double chin), treated with liposuction. In addition, if there is sagging of the skin, a facelift is the most suitable.


The procedure is simple and is usually performed by dentists or plastic surgeons. The method begins with local anesthesia and may be accompanied by sedation, and then a small cut is made in the oral cavity, facilitating manipulation and identification of the fat compartment. Bichat Balls are removed in a variable volume, according to the needs of each patient.

The surgery is quick and takes between 20 and 40 minutes, so there is no need for hospitalization. In this way, the patient is discharged on the same day as the procedure. In addition, the stitches used in the surgical procedure are absorbable, that is, they do not need to be removed.

The postoperative period is usually very quiet and is very similar to the extraction of wisdom teeth, which consists of swelling and small bruises in the first few days. The recovery is fast, it can vary between 5 and 7 days, and there is no need to leave work, as long as the swelling is not a bother.

Results appear after three weeks and recovery occurs approximately within six months after the procedure. The process is definitive, so there is no chance of the person having the same cheek again after extraction.



It is very common for patients to have low self-esteem and insecurity about their own image, either because of large cheeks, rounded face or because there is some asymmetry. When the person is dissatisfied with their appearance, bichectomy can be a solution for them to admire their own image again.

Surgery helps to change the natural characteristics of the face, making it possible to model the face so that it becomes more harmonious, young and delicate. In this way, the reflection in the mirror can become more pleasant, and, as a result, the person feels better, more confident and self-assured.


People who have a round face may be uncomfortable with their features. Thus, they look for bichectomy, as the expected result is a discreet thinning of the face, especially in the cheeks region, highlighting the jaw line and the “cheekbones”. With this, the features of the face become more delicate and harmonic.

It is important to note that after the years, the face suffers a loss of fat. Therefore, people who undergo this surgery may need further fillings to regain a more youthful appearance.


One of the great benefits of the treatment is the quick results. In relation to other techniques and surgeries, it is a simple method that is also performed in dental offices.

This environment has a lot of structure for performing this surgery, as others are also performed, such as gingivoplasty, wisdom tooth extractions, gingivectomy, among others. Therefore, safety standards are followed and the materials used are sterilized or disposable, ensuring the protection of the patient’s health.

In a short time the fat is removed from the inner part of the cheeks and in three weeks the results appear.


All people have Bichat Balls, however in some people they develop in an exaggerated way, leaving the face very voluminous and round. As a result, chewing can be impaired, as it reduces intraoral space.

Bichectomy does not cause any problems for chewing, on the contrary, it brings functional improvement and ends involuntary bites on the inside of the cheeks, due to the little space in the mouth.


Over time, our skin loses its elasticity and begins to accumulate fat even on the face, and this can result in saggy and sagging cheeks. This problem also happens in the neck region and the “double chin” appears.

With the removal of the Bichat Balls, sagging is controlled, the contours and cheekbones are defined again and the neck also gains more firmness. As a result, the appearance may become more youthful.


There is a great myth that the procedure is dangerous and fraught with risks. In fact, surgery should not be trivialized because it is a plastic surgery like any other, thus having practically the same risks as any other surgical procedure. The risks are related to momentary or permanent paralysis of the face, bleeding and infections, and lesions of the parotid duct and the buccal branches of the facial nerve.

These events can decrease to practically zero when the surgical procedure is performed by a plastic surgeon or a specialized dentist, using a delicate surgical technique.

The buccal branches that could undergo some alteration are not the only branches of the facial nerve, and therefore, in the event of an unforeseen event, the mouth can undergo reinnervation of other branches, returning to normal.